Sourdough Unchained Coaching Community
Get access to live group coaching calls with me, monthly masterclasses and a private online community - all designed to demystify sourdough baking and help you bake amazing bread.
Join the Waitlist

Around ten years ago I was trying to learn how to bake sourdough using complicated multi-stage processes.
Because the process was so complicated fault finding when things inevitably went wrong was nearly impossible.
The success of my job relied on fitting sourdough baking into an extremely busy work routine. So something needed to change.
So, I simplified and streamlined the process, and you know what?
Not only was I able to schedule the sourdough process easily, but my loaves improved dramatically.
If you are looking to learn or master an efficient sourdough process that can be easily scheduled into a busy day then my Sourdough Unchained Coaching Community will fit you perfectly.
Join the WaitlistI've created an online coaching community designed to take a home baker from creating a sourdough starter to mastering the process.
The coaching program will be organic and provide training through masterclasses, live Q&As and how-to demonstrations.
Here’s the success path for the coaching:
1. Creating & maintaining a vibrant sourdough culture
2. Sourdough fermentation & baking
3. Scheduling sourdough to fit into your daily life easily
4. Recipe creation, testing & development
5. Learning how to mill and use freshly milled grains at home

But coaching alone doesn't solve all of the problems home bakers may encounter either.
Have you ever wanted to share a picture of that amazing loaf you've just pulled out of the oven?
What about getting help on that pressing problem? How about helping someone experiencing a problem you're familiar with?
Imagine doing all of that within a group you know and trust without the intrusions of social media trolls and targeted advertising.
That's exactly what our community provides. A safe and happy area for home bakers to share their experiences and build friendships.
The coaching community is currently closed while our founder members settle in. I'll be opening the doors again very soon and offering a discount for members who are signed up to our community email.
See you on the other side :)